TCM Club January 2023 Meeting

Back L to R: Linda, Caroline, Kami, Sharon, Lexi
Our Triangle Classic Movie Club got together on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at the Regal Crossroads Movie Theater for the Fathom Big Screen Classics 70th Anniversary screening of Roman Holiday (1953).
Afterwards, several club members got together at Panera Bread to discuss the film and enjoyed a game of classic movie trivia about Leading Ladies and Directors. We had a good turnout on a cold, winter Sunday and a wonderful time catching up on all things we love about classic movies.
Caroline and I would like to take a moment and thank Kami and Chris having faith in us to help out with this meeting and for our wonderful TCMC for bearing with us as we planned this get-together.
-Sharon & Caroline

Classic Couple Thank You!
Special shout-out to Sharon and Caroline for organizing our TCM Club January meeting! We appreciate you both so much. XOXOXO