Nov 02

Comedy Tour de Force: Mabel’s Strange Predicament (1914)

Kami SpangenbergComment Closed

Misfits. Pratfalls. Sex. Misunderstanding. Mabel’s Strange Predicament (1914) is a school of comedy in 17 silent minutes. And it’s the film introduction what would eventually become Charlie Chaplin’s iconic comedic character, The Tramp.For that reason and so much more, it’s a classic movie fan must-see. Read more about it here on Classic Couple Academy.

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Oct 19

Fright Night Masterpiece – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)

Kami SpangenbergComment Closed

The 1920 silent film Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde directed by John S. Robertson is known as one of the great film performances by John Barrymore. Filmed during the day while at the same time the great theater actor appeared on the stage at night, Barrymore’s performance is an acting tour de force. Barrymore plays […]

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