Welcome 2022: TCM Club January Meeting

Top L to R: Kami, Chris, Suneetha
Middle L to R: Dan, Jane, Caroline
Bottom: Liz

Our TCM Club started the new year 2022 with a meeting during a snow storm. Those with power and internet showed up for fun and games.

We picked up where we left off last meeting with a round of our custom game, This or That for Classic Film Fans. As might be expected, club members were split on their responses and a lot of discussion ensued.

We then pivoted to make our way through a list of Hollywood actors from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, some still working today, with club members doing their best to name as many films as they could from each actor’s filmography in an attempt to uncover one of their films previously determined for the game. As usual, the depth of club members’ knowledge was demonstrated in a lively meeting.

We’ll get together for more gameplay in February and in March we’ll discuss films airing on TCM in the month of February as club member Liz serves as guest programmer.

Looking forward to another great year with these classic film fans!