TCM Club October Meeting

Middle L to R: Linda, Caroline, Gloria, Liz
Bottom L to R: Pam
Our TCM Club met on October 17 for a meeting covering a range of topics. We started out discussing the news of the TCM Classic Movie Festival 2022. Several club members plan to attend, and we will hold a festival planning meeting in November after tickets go on sale and plans firm up.
We pivoted to a classic film discussion, picking up two pieces of music club member Sharon had researched. We listened to the main theme from Picnic (1955) and the overture from The Little Foxes (1941). This concluded our exploration of film composers central to the films we watched on TCM in July.
Our discussion turned to horror films, in particular referencing a list of 73 classic horror film recommendations from club member Dan. A lifelong horror fan, Dan shared his early memories of watching horror films in the theater. More from Dan here: Guest Blog: Horror Movie Picks from a Long-Time Fan.
The group had a lot of fun sharing the films that have scared them the most over the years, their all-time favorite horror films, and even swapped stories of their own personal frights during the call. Let’s just say creepy hotel hallways entered into the conversation. Oh, and remember house phones? Spooky!