TCM Club Gathering: January 31, 2021
Our TCM Club enjoyed its biggest gathering to date since transitioning to virtual meetings. Fourteen club members got together on January 31 for two hours of fun.
We pulled out a club favorite from the early days when we were just getting to know when another. Designed to break the ice and get the group, sharing, our homemade “classic movie question cards” were a hit!
Everyone took a turn sharing their answers to a series of questions pulled from the card deck. With such a good-sized group, and one that loves a good “sidebar” discussion, we got through about half a dozen questions in 90 minutes.
Next meeting we will come prepared to discuss three films selected from the TCM lineup in February. Members can watch, one, two or all three of the films and will come to the meeting prepared to share their perspectives.
Looking forward to next time!