TCM Club December Gathering

Top L to R: Kami, Chris, Kim
Middle T to R: Gloria, Sharon, Genine
Bottom L to R: Adrienne, Pam

On December 12 our TCM Club met to enjoy one another’s company during the holiday season. Everyone shared their plans to celebrate, with some traveling and some staying put for holidays at home. It was clear that for all one of the joys of the past year has been getting together, albeit virtually, with fellow club members.

Chris and Kami led the group through a new game—This or That for Classic Film Fans. Over the course of 90 minutes, the group made its selections from 40 categories with lots of discussion. And while a few topics brought forward unanimous votes, most saw some split of choices. These Triangle Classic Movie Club members are well-versed in classic film and certainly not short on informed opinions, so the game was a real hit with the group. The complete, custom-developed game created by Kami and Chris, along with a number of ways to play, can be found here: Game Time! This or That for Classic Film Fans.

We look forward to continuing our TCM Club gatherings in 2022. And from the looks of this photo, can you blame us?