Farewell TCM Summer Under the Stars

It’s the first day of September and the TCM Under the Stars programming ended yesterday. We’ll miss it.
Raleigh/Cary TCM Backlot Chapter members took to the Chapter Twitter account @TCMBacklotRDU during the month of August to feature some of their favorite stars and movies. Chapter member Lora focused on Ava Gardner, Kim on Rita Moreno, Kami and Linda on Leila Hyams and Lexi on Dustin Hoffman. In total, we live-tweeted nine separate movies.
Over those days, we put out 293 tweets garnering 332,000 impressions and 270 mentions on Twitter among our followers. Speaking of followers, the Chapter Twitter handle netted another 92 followers as a result of our efforts. Throughout the month it was great fun engaging in a #TCMParty with fellow TCM fans in August.
More so, it was wonderful to support one another as we helped each other prepare for our Chapter “days” and followed along to retweet during the movies. Our Summer Under the Stars live-tweet schedule was certainly a bonding experience among classic film friends.
Thanks again to Lora, Kim, Linda and Lexi, four awesome Raleigh/Cary TCM Backlot Chapter members, for all that you did on behalf of the Chapter in August!