TCM Club September Virtual Meeting

Row 1: Kami, Chris, Jane, Janine Row 2: Sharon, Kim, Liz, Linda Row 3: Gloria, Pam, Genine, Dan Row 4: Caroline

After a long hiatus, the Triangle Classic Movie Club (TCMC) held its first virtual gathering in September. Thirteen friends and film lovers came together to catch up on how everyone has fared during the challenges of 2020 and how classic movies have served as both tonic and respite during the global pandemic.

Several club members have used the time to catch up on film history. A number recommended Season One of The Plot Thickens – I’m Still Peter Bogdanovich as a must-listen podcast.

Documentary recommendations abounded including:

With October on the way, the conversation turned to favorite horror films and club member recommendations.

  • Pam’s all-time favorite and one she watches over and over: Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
  • Dan’s #1 pick, The Pit and the Pendulum (1961), and tied for #2 picks, Black Sunday (1960) and The Mask of Satan (1960)
  • Sharon offered three horror picks and commentary.
    • The Bad Seed (1956) – Watch it real late at night.This movie stays with you!
    • Dead of Night (1945) – If you are afraid of the ventriloquist dummy, then not for you!
    • Rosemary’s Baby (1968) –  John Cassavetes is diabolical!

In all, a lively virtual meeting for TCMC – the first of many more to come in the months ahead.

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